What is Coaching?

Generally speaking, coaching is a collaborative partnership between two people, the coach and the client, in which the coach walks alongside the client to help the client figure out where they are, where they want to be and how to get there.

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional goals.”

What Does a Coach Do?

A coach listens attentively to you to understand your needs…

Asks powerful questions to help you gain clarity and focus…

Helps you set inspiring yet achievable goals and works with you to develop strategies to achieve them…

Encourages you throughout the coaching process…

Provides accountability to keep you moving forward…

And helps you celebrate your successes along the way!

What Types of Issues Does Kingdom Soul Care Coach Around?

Kingdom Soul Care offers coaching on a variety of issues including but not limited to…

  • Life Transitions

  • Relationship Issues

  • Emotional Well-being

  • Identity and Life Purpose

Do You Accept Insurance?

No, you must pay out of pocket. Most insurance companies do not cover coaching.

What’s the Difference Between Counseling and Coaching?

Counseling (AKA therapy) tends to focus on the past and helping clients process, heal and recover from its effects; it is more appropriate for clients experiencing severe mental health issues. Coaching is more present and future oriented, helping clients move forward in life by helping them identify, address and overcome issues holding them back.

In addition, counselors and therapists (as well as psychologists and psychiatrists) can diagnose and treat mental health disorders while coaches cannot (unless, of course, they have additional credentials to do so).

How is Christian Life Coaching Different from Secular Life Coaching?

A Christian life coach uses similar techniques to a secular life coach BUT a Christian life coach holds a Biblical worldview and aims to ensure that their coaching aligns with biblical principles. Some of the concepts within secular coaching, on the other hand, are incompatible with Godly principles.

For example, both secular and Christian life coaching involve coming along side someone as they work towards goals/change. However, a secular life coach aims to help clients move from where they are to where THEY want to be while a Christian life coach aims to help clients move from where they are to where GOD wants them to be!

In addition, secular coaches invite you to look within YOURSELF for solutions to your problems and do what YOU feel is right… they encourage you to focus on your inner strengths and listen to what your heart is telling you to do.

Christian life coaches, on the other hand, rely on the Bible for God’s perspective and answers to problems. Their coaching is CHRIST-CENTERED and guided by the Holy Spirit. Christian life coaches also encourage clients to develop a closer relationship with God, seek His will for their life and rely on HIS strength not their own strength to achieve change.

Lastly, they believe God has a plan for everyone and they are eager to help their clients discover and live out God’s plan for their life.

What are Some Potential Benefits of Working with a Christian Life Coach?

  • Gain clarity and focus

  • Discover growth opportunities

  • Identify strengths and resources

  • Work through fears and doubt

  • Find God’s solutions to life’s challenges

  • Develop skills to strengthen your relationships

  • Move forward in faith to become the person God created you to be

What is Soul Care and How Does it Apply to Coaching?

The “soul” has been defined as that which consists of our mind, will and emotions. Thus, soul care can be thought of as the process of taking care of our inner self (i.e. our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs) as well as our spiritual well-being.

Kingdom Soul Care believes that a healthy soul is vital to ones wellbeing, necessary for maintaining a healthy relationship with God, self, and others, as well as essential for living out our God-given purpose in life. 

Kingdom Soul Care views any practice/strategy that promotes a healthy soul as “soul care,” and aims to encourage as well as incorporate such practices/strategies into its coaching.    

As a Kingdom Soul Care client you will be asked to share what brings you to coaching.  If daily living problems are presented, for example, you will be encouraged to examine your heart and mindset given that such problems are often rooted in these areas. 

Once the root of the issue is uncovered, you will receive help with identifying possible “SOULutions.” You will also be encouraged to explore the pros and cons of each, and held accountable for your choice.